The Maker

Trust Leather

The Maker

I am Ryan Johnston the founder of Trust Leather. As a full-time designer I love to create things. I am formally trained in the field of Graphic design. I have travelled/lived all over Canada, the US and Mexico. I started designing toques and quickly moved to leather. I take the creative/design process very seriously to get the best possible product to fit my clients life.

I love to ride. About 3 years ago I walked into a Harley dealership in Vancouver and bought my first Harley. I had never ridden outside my training classes, no riding license but I felt this was something I needed to do. So I bought the bike on Monday and by the following Monday I had packed a small bag and was headed to the Mexican border. From Vancouver I rode all the way to southern Arizona. After that I spent 3 weeks riding all over the South West United States. Throughout my whole trip I slept at rest stops, on benches or I would just pull off the highway and unroll my blanket on the ground. I logged about 10k kms on my bike through the whole trip. I rode through rain, hail, blowing sand and over 110F weather. That trip changed my life. Oh yeah, the bike I bought was a 2009 1200C Sportster. Not exactly the bike you get for a long road trip. No fairing. No windshield. No cruise control. Just me, the road and the bike. Being alone with my thoughts for that long gave me clarity on my life and what I wanted and needed to do.

After that trip I decided to move back to Winnipeg to be closer to my family. I was born and raised in Winnipeg but had been living in Edmonton and Vancouver for about 10 years. Moving back, things didn't exactly work out the way I had hoped. After being gone for that long people move on, make their own lives.

I have an amazing girlfriend who I love more and more everyday (hi Trish!) and an amazing step daughter who I think is starting to warm up to me (hi Amayra!). I work as a publishing assistant for a non-profit organization and love it. Great people doing very rewarding work.

Life is good.

I would love to one day take this hobby and make it my full-time job but until then I will continue to deliver quality items to great people. Hit the contact button and lets see what I can make for you.